“I was very serious about my year-long commitment to daily art therapy in order to improve my mental health. Every day – no matter where I was – I made my Pom of the Day.
I still travel a lot for work, so I made a travel kit. My colleague says I’m probably the only estate attorney who walks through airport security with a pack of pom poms and googly eyes.
I made Poms in hotels, restaurants, the back of Ubers. During that year-long commitment, there were times I was in the Emergency Room, or finishing up my ablation – and I still came home and created a Pom character.
My boyfriend was my understudy just in case there was a day I couldn’t do it. But he never needed to cover for me – I made 365 pom pom characters. One every day for a year, just like I promised myself I would.
I had friends that I would text my Pom of the Day. I knew if the promise just lived inside my head, I could probably flake. This way, people could hold me accountable.
There were days I was tired, and sick, and not feeling well. But it’s just like when you don’t want to work out, and five minutes into it, you’re so happy to be doing it. I felt that way making my Pom character on the tough days. They’re soft, they’re colorful, they’re sparkly. It’s a joyous, positive activity, and I learned something new every day.
The act of creating is one of the best things we get to do in our lives. And I found it very fulfilling and wonderful to do something for myself every day NO MATTER WHAT.”